With the update the whole package looks alot more "Mac OSX-ish".
The new icon is fantastic.
The interface seems more clean now.
Other then that, standard review:
Works perfect. No hang-ups.
If you want "Minesweeper for Mac", you got it.
Custom games are really easy to start and make it way more fun then standard windows version.
Simple. Simple is good for this kind of "widget-like" game.
Just design inside really.
Not perfectly mac-ified yet - could use a more artistic approach to the board design.
(IE The blue colors you use for the checkers are old-school mac colors and look a bit flat)
If you added the 3D effect that the icon has, and applied it to the flags and numbers
added a bit of shading, life would be dandy.
sesquipedal about Minesweeper!, v2.4